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Freehand Resolution

This parameters edited here relate only to the creation of Freehand components.

Operations on Selected Items

This area of the GUI allows operations to be carried out on the components that have been "selected" in the active MultiView - the items that are highlighted in red.

Motion Mode

This option controls how objects will move between reference frames. There are four options:
rotate in front
rotate in plan
rotate in side
If the selected items have different motion modes, then the motion mode is shown as "various". If the mode is set to a particular value, then all selected items will take the selected motion mode. The effect of each of these modes is as follows:


During editing, when a component is rotated by pressing and dragging M3 on a handle, the component rotates about its own center, calculated as the arithmetic mean of the coordinates of the vertices.

On animation, the effect is somewhat undefined, because an axis of rotation is selected independently in each of the reference frames, and linear interpolation of the coordinates of the point defining the axis produce unexpected motion of the component. For this reason, the following, more predictable motion modes are provided.

rotate in front/plan/side

During editing, when a component is rotated by pressing and dragging M3 on a handle, the component rotates about the center of rotation. This happens in all views, irrespective of whether the motion mode is "rotate in front", "plan" or "side".

On animation, a component will move at a constant angular velocity so that its center describes an arc about the rotation center for the component. The center of rotation appears as a small disk in each orthogonal view. The centers for all selected items may be moved together by dragging with left mouse. The rotation center for selected items is highlighted in yellow.


This parameter is applicable to components of type Ellipsoid, Cylinder or Cone. These objects are actually drawn as the specified number of flat surfaces. The larger the number, the smoother and more realistic the image, but at the cost of longer rendering time. The following examples show the effect of changing the resolution of a cone from 16 to 64:

The entryfield will be disabled if no items are selected, or if none of the selected items are of type Ellipsoid, Cylinder or Cone and have this parameter. If multiple such items are selected, then the entryfield will contain the common value, if they all have the same resolution, or "various". Supposing that you wish to give the same resolution value to all selected items, and the entryfield contains "various". Attempting to remove "various" with backspace will produce error messages, since this field expects a numerical value. Therefore, highlight the word and hit the "Delete" key.


This parameter is applicable only to cones, and specifies the ratio of the minimum radius to the maximum radius. By default, it is zero, so a full cone is generated. If set to 1.0, the object becomes equivalent to a cylinder. The following example illustrates the effect of an intermediate value:

The behavior of this field with respect to the selection of multiple items is the same as for the Resolution parameter.

Delete Selected

The selected items are removed from the image. If these items are the only users of a shader, then that shader will also be deleted.