Flag | Type | Default Value | Description |
-tolerance | float | (0.0000001) | Tolerance in the variation of real numbers due to rounding errors. On completion of the test, the maximum deviation in any numeric parameter will be printed. This can be used as the tolerance provided with this flag to a subsequent run of the test so that the test can be run with maximum checking while still giving a clean result. |
-keepSavedFiles | boolflag | (false) | By default, the saved files will then deleted and the directory will
be left as it was before the command was entered, with the modification
dates on the files unchanged.
This option instructs the test to keep the saved files with extension ".tcl-test". |
-keepMultiViews | boolflag | (false) | By default, all MultiViews will be deleted on termination of the test,
so that the routine can check that no Component objects remain, to demonstrate
that the TSIPPwb has no memory leakage.
This option instructs the test to keep MultiViews instead of destroying them. |
-file | string | ([glob *.tcl]) | Files to be loaded and saved, defaulting to all files in the current directory with extension ".tcl" |
-checkSelected | boolflag | (false) | After each file is loaded, check the consistency of the canvas selection agains the tracking variable selectedObjects. |
-checkShaders | boolflag | (false) | After each file is loaded, check the correctness of the AutoDestruct usage counters of all Shaders. |
-checkVertexSet | boolflag | (false) | After each file is loaded, check that all Polygon vertex linking is bidirectional. |
-checkAggregate | boolflag | (false) | After each file is loaded, check that all objects of class Aggregation are properly owned by either Freehand or MultiView objects. |