in general, these files will not work with release levels other than that
which was used to create them, because this is likely to involve a change
to widget pathnames.
the state of the tool on playback must be identical to the state of the
tool on capture. This includes the history of work performed since when
the tool was initiated; i.e., if the capture was initiated immediately
after starting the tool, the capture file will not play back successfully
if any operations have been performed which create [Incr tcl] objects (which
means almost any operation). The reason for this is that objects are normally
created with the #auto construct, and this provides a series of object
names which is never reset. The playback requires that the names generated
on playback match the names generated on capture.
Typically, the capture file is opened as the very first operation;
in particular, before creating the MultiView. However, it is permissible
to playback another existing file as the very next step. This is useful,
because it means that an extensive capture can be performed in several
stages, with each stage after the first playing back the previously generated
capture file, immediately after starting the new cature.
DO NOT save files while performing capture.