Define an object using a Bezier curve rotated about the z-axis. Resolution is the number of polygons to tessellate the surface into. Vertexlist is a list of vertices of the curve. Each element of the list is a list contain the X, Y and Z vertices.
Curvelist a list of indices into vertexlist that defined the curve. Each element of the list contains a list of 4 indices. These indices are zero based. For example:
{{0 1 2 3} {4 4 5 7} {6 7 8 9}}
Shaderhandle is a handle to a previously created surface shading specification.
Texture is the texture mapping algorithm to use for the object. The texture coordinates are a bit special for these surfaces. SPHERICAL and CYLINDRICAL mappings are not applicable, and NATURAL mapping will apply to the piece of surface created by each Bezier curve separately. The NATURAL mapping uses the curve parameter u along each curve as x coordinate and goes from 0 to 1 around the perimeter of the rotational surface on the other axis Optional, WORLD is the default.
An object handle is returned.