Create a polygon from a list of vertices and push it onto the polygon stack. The following flags may be specified:
The vertices must be pushed on the vertex stack in either counterclockwise (the default) or clockwise order when looking at the "front" face of the polygon. Otherwise the front of the surface will be defined in the wrong direction.
If neither -tex or -norm are specified, then the list
contains just vertices, each element being in the form {x y z}
If -norm is specified, then the list
contains both vertices and normal vectors, each element being in the form
{x y z} {nx ny nx}
If -tex is specified, then the list
contains both vertices and texture coordinates, each element being in the form
{x y z} {u v w}
If both -tex and -norm are specified, then the list
contains both vertices, normal vectors and texture coordinates, each
element being in the form
{x y z} {nx ny nz} {u v w}
If a vertex in the polygon is already defined in a previous polygon that belongs to the same surface, the same vertex will be referenced, i.e. vertices shared between polygons are only stored once, but they must be repeated when defining the polygons.